Friday, January 21, 2011

How to Escape From Handcuffs

I have given this some considerable thought.  I think asking politely should work.  However, I have never personally been in that situation, except that one time, and being nice definitely wasn’t the answer.  It was a totally different set of circumstances. 

On Saturday, January 15, I visited The Jewish Museum to see the Houdini: Art and Magic exhibit.  This experience was similar to a one night stand. You get frisked heavily when you walk in the door.  It is extremely hot, and if you don’t take your clothes off right away, you’ll end up sweating in your coat the entire time. 

Let me explain.  When you enter the museum within two feet is a heavy duty metal detector.  You can check your coat directly after walking through security, which seems fishy.  If you chose not to check your coat, you will not be allowed to remove it during the entire exhibit.  It is hot in there, just a warning.

One of Houdini’s first stunning acts was the East Indian Needle Trick.  He would swallow a spool of thread followed by a pack of sewing needles.  Moments later he would pull the string out with all of the needles threaded!  Though small and kind of gross, this was my favorite piece in the exhibit, a pack of needles and a spool of thread because I stared at it wondering whether or not those items had been regurgitated by Houdini himself.  I’m easily impressed. 

Other than the TSA style brutality that occurs, I enjoyed learning all about the mysterious character, Harry Houdini.  The exhibit spans three decades and explains how Houdini created a showmanship status that few have been able to follow.  The exhibit showcases numerous videos clips, pictures, and physical restraints such as the water chamber, straightjacket, milk can, and, of course, lots of handcuffs.  The videos are as unbelievable today as they were during his lifetime.  Though I am still not convinced he didn’t have the key to the handcuffs in his mouth. 

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